Thursday, July 2, 2015

Code Runs Our Lives

"I spoke with some friends in their 40s who had spent careers in technology. I was complaining. I said, “I mentor some millennials, and my God. Every job is a contract position. Nothing comes with health care. They carry so much debt.” They looked at me with perplexity. It took a moment, and then one of them said: “Not if they can code.”

You probably already do code. You do it in Excel or Google Spreadsheets. You run little processes in a sequence or do a series of find-and-replace routines in a big document.

Programming as a career can lead to a rewarding, solidly middle-class existence. If you are inclined and enjoy the work, it’s a good way to spend time, and if you work for and with good people, it can be very fun—even the dry parts have something to teach you. Of course this is true of any place where smart people work. If your situation is lousy, you can probably find another job more easily than, say, a writer." - Paul Ford

Code runs our lives. We are all surrounded by a bunch of numbers and vibrational strings. Each person's code makes each person's world. Computers and websites need code to function. Binary code is still to the computer as the skeleton is to the human body! There are also many people who work in coding to maintain these things.

Who's to say really, that we are not in a Matrix sort of binary coded existence.. anything is possible..and I would not be surprised if the ability to mnemonic and digital rewind do not exist... and just download the date to Huma-droids and sic him at the task all over again.. like the Kobyashimaru.

When I first heard the words hard ware and soft ware.. and read code was written in ones and zero's; I thought the computers were about men and women. Male and female plug stuff.

Coding is something they should start teaching in High School. It does run our lives but how many people actually know how to write codes?

It was most entertaining trying to familiarize with all these languages available .Still cannot make much sense of it. However, I'm still patiently learning. How can we make all the codes visual and easier?

Has programming or coding changed dramatically over the years? Compare the challenges of RPG and COBOL with today's object oriented tools like C++ and C# and even VB. It has become much easier to develop reusable components in modern code! It is interesting to take note how little coding has actually changed over the years, and how easier it has become that codes are now virtually running the world.

"You might learn to program because there’s a new economy as irrational, weird, and painful as the old one. Books and songs are now rows in databases, and whole films are made on CPUs, without a real ray of light penetrating a lens. Maybe learning to code will give you a decoder ring for the future. Disruption is just optimization by another name. SDKs are just culture encoded and made reproducible, and to an entire generation, they’re received as rapturously as Beatles albums were decades ago. The coder-turned-venture-capitalist-turned-Twitter-public-intellectual Marc Andreessen wrote that software is eating the world. If that’s true, you should at least know why it’s so hungry." Paul Ford

*Source: Paul Ford:What is Code?

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