Saturday, June 27, 2015

Strengthening ICT Education in the Philippines

The private-public partnership the government has taken to fully utilize benefits presented by ICT in the education sector aims to build global competitiveness.

Modernizing education through uptake of the latest technology would be a win-win situation for both parties.

This move is very effective in increasing access and quality of education from primary to university level.

There are numerous areas where the private sector can come in, from infrastructure development to development of digital content to be used for training of teachers.

Private sector opportunities are not limited to multinationals alone because there are many opportunities that can be pursued by local businesses.

“Studies show that students whose teachers received training in computers performed better than others. Schools that provide teachers with professional development in computers also enjoyed higher staff morale and lower absenteeism” - Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago

Let us all support the Free ICT College Education Act - a bill that seeks to equip poor but deserving students with knowledge and skills in the competitive ICT field.

Santiago, author of the proposed Magna Carta of Internet Freedom, called on the public to support Senate Bill No. 2839 or the Free ICT College Education Act. If approved, it will mandate state colleges and universities to develop two-year ICT courses.

These courses shall then be offered for free to all graduates of public high schools, subject to the limitation of funding and facilities. The proposed law also seeks to penalize school authorities who refuse to admit qualified beneficiaries.

“Technology has provided us modern ways to effectively communicate and make information more accessible today. ICT has been a boon to the Philippine economy. As this sector continues to grow, demand for competent workers is also increasing,” the senator said.

Aside from the Free ICT College Education Act, Santiago in 2013 filed S.B. No. 1696 or the Education for the 21st Century Act that aims to increase computer literacy programs for students by providing training for teachers on the latest computer software.

If enacted, the bill will authorize the Secretary of Education to award grants to public and private schools for teacher training in technology. Local government units will also be encouraged to match such funds for schools in their areas.

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