Thursday, July 2, 2015

Code Runs Our Lives

"I spoke with some friends in their 40s who had spent careers in technology. I was complaining. I said, “I mentor some millennials, and my God. Every job is a contract position. Nothing comes with health care. They carry so much debt.” They looked at me with perplexity. It took a moment, and then one of them said: “Not if they can code.”

You probably already do code. You do it in Excel or Google Spreadsheets. You run little processes in a sequence or do a series of find-and-replace routines in a big document.

Programming as a career can lead to a rewarding, solidly middle-class existence. If you are inclined and enjoy the work, it’s a good way to spend time, and if you work for and with good people, it can be very fun—even the dry parts have something to teach you. Of course this is true of any place where smart people work. If your situation is lousy, you can probably find another job more easily than, say, a writer." - Paul Ford

Code runs our lives. We are all surrounded by a bunch of numbers and vibrational strings. Each person's code makes each person's world. Computers and websites need code to function. Binary code is still to the computer as the skeleton is to the human body! There are also many people who work in coding to maintain these things.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Epic Giant Robot Battle Between USA and Japan

America just challenged Japan into an epic giant robot battle!
"SUIDOBASHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES! MegaBots, Inc. challenges you to a duel! You have a giant robot, we have a giant robot - we have a duty to the science fiction lovers of this world to fight them to the death. Prepare yourselves, and name the battlefield. In one year, we fight."
That is the challenge being thrown at Suidobashi Heavy Insustries by Megabots Inc! A real life mech fight between Megabot of USA and Kuratas of Japan. With those epic USA capes how can Japan decline?

Japan may have the robotics technology, but we have the military technology. I'd say it's a fair fight! But why can't I shake this feeling that we are gonna get smoked by Japan? They've been theory crafting this shit for like 40 years. I can already assume that Japan will win. They got their technology rolling while America was still wearing diapers.

We got this reply from their blog:
"Just what we'd expect from America. Before I talk about the challenge, I just want like to say...What the heck is Japan doing? It's only logical that Japanese robots fight each other first, and the winner advances to fight America. It's been four years since (our robot) Kuratas was built. This is what happens when other builders in Japan slack off. I'm really annoyed. I'll give it some thought, so be patient Megabot."
Video of the challenge below. The video screams "BRING IT BITCHES!!" Works on Laser Data Transmission

The next time you see a rainbow in sky it's probably from Facebook.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that is working on ways to use drones and satellites to connect the billion people who don't live in range of existing wireless networks.

Their Connectivity Lab is developing a laser communications system that can beam data from the sky into communities. This will dramatically increase the speed of sending data over long distances.

Normally you wouldn’t be able to see the actual beams, but for this demonstration they made them visible. This is just one connectivity project they’re working on, and he was excited to share this the Facebook community already.

Optical tracking from an airborne drone could be tricky especially for the uplink. Keeping those drones static in the atmosphere for precise signal transmission will be a real hard nut to crack, One of the questions is, how will they maintain continuous transmission while accounting for weather, and wouldn't the drone's flying motion restrict transmission from your ground nodes?

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